Magento 2.4. What is new for us?

May 18, 2020 0
Magento 2.4

More recently, a unique event in the world of online commerce Adobe Summit 2020 was held in a peculiar format of remote presentations. At this event, we heard some news about a new version of Magento 2.4. An approximate release date was set for the third quarter of 2020. The Magento development team, together with the community, has been working hard for several months now. So that’s why we get the best Magento update we have ever seen. And this update will bring us a whole wagon of new opportunities and improvements. So we should talk about them for sure.

News from Magento 2.4

PWA implementation

Get ready for the fact that PWA will completely change the work with the mobile eCommerce market. In the coming years, Progressive Web Applications will become the main way to develop eCommerce sites. Since PWA combines the best features of native applications and the introduction of this system in Magento 2.4 This is the first step towards this.

Headless Magento 2.4

Introducing new features has never been so easy. In addition to PWA, Magento 2.4 will also bring us a special infrastructure called Headless Magento. This extremely reliable and flexible infrastructure allows users to quickly create new iterations of their codebase. And thereby introduce radiant new functions and capabilities into their business. Faster and easier.

Connection of the platform to Adobe Stock

To improve the shopping experience of your customers, developers in tandem with Adobe integrate the Adobe Stock system into Magento. This system adds an interface to the main administrator panel. And there you can search and use stock images. Besides, this add-on allows users to easily find and view images directly on the web page.

Enhanced B2B Features

Magento every year strives to become a leading supplier of B2B platforms. And the 2.4 update is another huge step in this direction. In the new version, many things will become even more convenient. Now users will be able to confirm orders in the external interface, work with addresses at the company level, etc.

Magento 2.4 image

New technologies in purchases payments

In the new version, a completely new API will be introduced. It works with requests for payment of purchases. Also, the interface of this API is the most flexible and compatible with almost all existing devices. You will also be amazed at its high performance on all platforms, from iOS and Android to desktop versions on personal computers. After upgrading to version 2.4, you will immediately notice how easy it will be for users to pay for their purchase. Thereby your conversion will increase significantly, which is good news.

Your personal assistant Adobe Sensei

In Magento version 2.4, you will get the pride of Adobe, the company’s own AI named Adobe Sensei. Now you can entrust it with some of the routine tasks of doing business, automating most of the processes. And also improve the experience of working with your business for your customers. Powerful forecasting and analytics systems will help you make difficult decisions. The information collection system will provide you with a general idea of the audience of your customers.

Cloud technology revolution

With the new update, users can easily place their business directly in the cloud. Thanks to the adding of cloud technology, you will expect high performance. Also, you get an excellent smooth operation of your business, unsurpassed reliability, and complete safety of your work. You will be amazed at how Magento Cloud Host is an economical, easy, and safe way to start a business.

Keeping your business safe

Each Magento platform update brings various security improvements to the platform. Maintaining your business from intruders is very important. In version 2.4, Magento will introduce an automatic update program. That will itself install all the latest security updates so that you are sure that you are fully protected.

Wrapping Up

Well, let’s summarize. Magento 2.4 is a huge turn in the evolution of not only the Magento platform but also for the entire eCommerce industry as a whole. With the introduction of cloud technologies, an improved interface, improved performance, increased security, as well as the development of B2B, all this will be available to you thanks to the hard work of hundreds of creators and the support of the dedicated Magento community.

It remains only to wait for the third quarter of 2020. And closer to this period we will find out the exact release date of this major and all expected updates. We will follow the news and if any new details appear, you will be the first to know about it. In the meantime, that’s all.

If you have any questions about Magento 2 and you want to ask us, do not be shy and write to us and our Team of Magento 2 Developers and they will advise you on all your questions.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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