8 eCommerce Trends for 2022 

Feb 14, 2022 0
8 eCommerce Trends for 2022 

So, all the New Year holidays are already over, and it’s time to join the working rhythms of 2022. Every year the eCommerce market is changing due to new trends that help businesses provide better services and attract more customers. We will talk about these trends in this article so that you can prepare your eCommerce business for their implementation. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Trend #1. Rise of Chatbots

The development of machine learning never stops, and already the level of this technology allows you to create automation systems based on AI. The main example of this approach is chatbots that can act as full-fledged consultants, communicating with customers through your store’s chat. Their advantage is round-the-clock service and quick responses that can direct buyers to the right sections of the online store.

Trend #2. Voice-Based Shopping

Voice eCommerce is now gaining momentum, and according to analysts, total sales in this way will reach $19.4 billion by 2023. This is a great reason to upgrade your chats to include voice input and the ability for your store to interact with smart speakers and assistants like Alexa and Siri. This approach will allow customers to interact with your store in real-time and place orders exactly when they need them.

Trend #3. Bigger Payment Methods Diversity

This trend is also about greater convenience for customers, as they want to be able to pay in a way that is convenient for them. Brands that offer a wide range of payment systems are more likely to gain trust and a new audience than those that are limited in terms of payments. This is a matter of flexibility, and you definitely should not neglect the expansion of the list of payment methods and systems.

Trend #4. The Use of Video Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most important forms of promotion, and video marketing is the main part of it. You should look at the possibility of creating various commercial videos that can be placed in various sections of your online store as well as on-brand social networks. In addition, you can experiment with formats and implement various videos like unboxings, user-generated content, video guides, and more.

8 eCommerce Trends for 2022 

Trend #5. Subscriptions and Loyalty Programs

One of the rules of business is that keeping an old customer is always cheaper than acquiring a new one. That is why retaining old customers should take no less effort than finding new ones. One of the retention tools in 2022 will be various forms of subscriptions and loyalty programs. The first tool allows customers to receive various exclusive bonuses that customers without a subscription do not have, and loyalty programs will provide various discounts and bonuses for those who make regular purchases in your online store. This approach strengthens the relationship between the brand and its loyal customers.

Trend #6. Omnichannel Shopping

Omnichannel selling is another way to provide your customers with unrivaled convenience and a seamless shopping experience. With it, you can provide a seamless shopping experience that is equally convenient on both mobile devices and desktop computers. An omnichannel strategy is a great way to maximize sales and drive customer loyalty no matter what device they shop on.

Trend #7. Personalized Products and Marketing Strategies

According to research, more than 80 percent of consumers want to experience a personalized approach from brands to their needs, shopping habits, and interests. Creating a personalized shopping experience is the key to the hearts of customers. For example, shoppers often need help with the shopping process. This could be finding the right item they want or helping them through the checkout process. Also, do not forget about various personalized pop-ups, emails, and promotional messages specifically for specific buyers. All this is built on the basis of the interests and search history of the store for each buyer. All this information allows you to build a personalized experience for each client, which increases brand loyalty and the number of sales.

Trend #8. Social Commerce Popularity

Every year social networks become more and more important in the shopping process. According to analysts, social commerce sales will reach $79.6 billion in 2025, and this is a great reason to jump on this trend train. To do this, you should develop your own social media promotion strategy to attract a live audience that can then be converted into buyers making purchases directly from social media channels.

Wrapping Up

2022 promises to be full of various eCommerce discoveries and trends, and as you can see from this list, all trends are extremely beneficial for both businesses and their customers. The main focus is on providing the most positive shopping experience that allows you to retain old customers and attract new ones. And this is extremely important for any eCommerce business. Without customers, there will be no online stores, which is why 2022 will be the year of upgrading the shopping experience.

And if you have questions regarding Magento development services, please feel free to contact our team.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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