Magento Calendar 2022: All Upcoming Events You Should Be Aware of

Jan 19, 2022 0

The New Year holidays have already passed, and it is time to re-enter the active rhythm of life and reach new heights in the field of commerce. This year promises to be saturated with events related to the Magento platform. We decided to make a small preview of what lies ahead so that you are aware of everything. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Meet Magento India – February 4th

Meet Magento India is one of the leading eCommerce conferences in this country that is held annually in this country and is completely dedicated to this platform. This conference provides an opportunity to attend various presentations from eminent speakers and communicate with industry experts, as well as be the first to hear about the latest trends in online commerce.

Like other conferences in the Magento Meet series, they were previously held live, but with the advent of the pandemic, they completely moved online. In 2022, the event will also be held in this format for the safety of everyone. However, there is a huge plus in this – the event is completely free, and anyone can attend it. You just need to take a ticket on the official website and wait for further instructions.

Magento 2.4.4 Release – March

We are expecting the release of a new version of Magento, which should bring a lot of changes and quality of life improvements. The main change is the transition of improvements to the code base, which will take the platform one step closer to supporting the new version of PHP 8.x.

In addition, this update brings Adobe Stock Integration v2.1.1, significant security and performance improvements, a new Composer plugin, a decreased indexation time for Product Price and Catalog Rule indexers, an upgraded compatibility tool, and various infrastructure enhancements. The update is in active beta testing at the moment, and soon you will see its fruits.

Adobe Summit – March 17-22

The main event for everyone connected with the Magento community and where all the surprises of the future of this platform are revealed. This simply cannot be missed if you want to be aware of everything that will happen with the Magento platform in the coming year.

Last year’s summit was held entirely online as the live event in Las Vegas had to be canceled due to the pandemic. This year, the organizers are also not going to take risks, and the event will be held online, making it many times more accessible and convenient for everyone involved in e-commerce. Details of the summit, speakers, and a list of conferences will be announced a little later. And in order to stay up to date with all the news, we recommend that you subscribe to the official mailing list to be the first to know everything.

Magento Open Source 2.3.x End of Support – April

Due to the fact that the official support for PHP 7.3 ended in December 2021, along with this technology, Magento 2.3.x will also become a part of history. As a result, you don’t have much time left to plan your upgrade to the newer 2.4. This transition is highly recommended by the Adobe Commerce developers unless you want to become vulnerable to various cybersecurity issues.

Meet Magento Baltics – May 10-22

This event is the largest summit dedicated to Magento, especially for the Baltic countries. And the most interesting thing is that this event is the first summit for this country and the organizers already promise a lot of interesting things for everyone who wants to visit. At the moment, the location is being decided in the middle of the conferences since the organizers are not yet sure whether it is worth holding a live event or whether it is worth sticking to the online direction.

However, we can say for sure that it is not recommended to miss this event, as global digital agencies, leading online merchants, and experienced developers will attend it in order to share business experience and technological developments with everyone. In order to stay up to date with the events of this summit, we recommend that you register on the official website.

Magento 2.4.5 Release – August-October

This year we will have two updates to the Magento platform, and the upgrade to version 2.4.5 will take place in two stages, and the update will be divided into two parts. Each separate part will be released at one-month intervals. At the moment, there are no specific details about what changes await us yet, but judging by all the previous updates, we will definitely be surprised with something extremely revolutionary and useful.

Wrapping Things Up

So, this was a list of upcoming events and updates for 2022, and as you can see, this year will be fruitful for the development of both the platform itself and its community. However, it is only January now, and this list is far from complete. We are confident that within a year, it will be replenished with new conferences and events designed to revolutionize the online commerce industry and Magento platforms.And if you have any questions about working with this platform from Adobe, drop us a line, and our representatives will consult you and come up with the best solution for you.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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