Adobe Sensei for Magento

Jan 25, 2021 0
Adobe Sensei for Magento

Technologies based on machine learning and artificial intelligence have long ceased to be a figment of the imagination of various books and films. Starting from small startups and ending with huge programs that facilitate the work of entire companies. All this became possible thanks to the work of thousands of programmers and specialists in the field. Adobe has long been at the cutting edge of all developments in this area. And now it has a new brainchild – the services of Adobe Sensei. So now we will tell you what it is and with what they can be useful.

First, let’s find out what is Adobe Sensei? Adobe Sensei is a modern digital technology based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. It also relies on the processing of a large amount of content and an array of data. Adobe Sensei consists of many smaller services. They can help facilitate work in a particular area. And here is a short list of what this miracle is capable of.

Adobe Advertising Cloud

The process of creating the right advertisement is comparable to the process of walking in a minefield. One wrong step and all your money spent on advertising can simply disappear. It is for this that this service exists. After all, it helps you not to go blindly. It provides transparency and optimization of the entire advertising campaign. Therefore, you can safely make decisions and plan its course.

Adobe Audience Manager

The service allows you to speed up work with huge arrays of user data. It possible thanks to the function of creating unique audience profiles. This not only simplifies the work. Moreover, it also allows you to analyze the most valuable segments of your audience.

Adobe Analytics

While working with clients you can encounter a problem. One of the problems can be when a huge amount of information falls upon you. So it needs to be analyzed as soon as possible. Artificial intelligence solves this problem and you can safely work with this information without unnecessary trouble.

Adobe Experience Manager

This is a leading content and media management system owned by Adobe Systems Inc., designed for websites with a large volume of content. AEM provides:

  • Convenient online content editing tools for easy creation for content creators.
  • Replicate pages and resources to individual AEM Publish servers for fast end-user access.
  • API integration with analytics, tag management, image creation, marketing campaigns, etc.
  • Expandability based on your needs.

Adobe Sensei for Magento

Adobe campaign

This is a universal set of flexible and mobile solutions. Thanks to this innovative technology, you can conduct your marketing campaigns both online and offline. Adobe Campaign is ideal for those who want to set up all marketing campaigns in one place: email marketing, SMM, targeted advertising, etc. This platform has absolute ease of use and has a wide range of functions.

Marketo engage

Machine learning and analytics functions are designed to recommend the right content based on user and company profiles. Also, artificial intelligence is complete. accompanies your customers at all stages of work with your store.

Adobe Target

This is a complete set of (optimization) solutions for collecting all the necessary customer data. This data enables marketers to experiment and easily launch targeted advertising campaigns. Modern business has wider access to data about its customers, their preferences, and behavior on the site than ever before. But at the same time, the modern client is accustomed to more targeted and personalized advertising on any electronic marketplace than ever before. And thanks to Adobe Target, a modern marketer gets this opportunity and can maximize the expectations of potential buyers by delivering personalized content, providing an improved user experience using A / B or multi-dimensional testing, etc.

So, in conclusion, we have this list thanks to artificial intelligence. After Magento migration, do not be afraid to entrust routine and complex tasks to machine learning and you will immediately feel relief since part of the tasks will be under the supervision of a computer. Also in more detail about the whole system, you can hear on Magento Imagine. We also want to note that in connection with the situation in the world Magento Imagine for the first time for the whole time will be held entirely in the form of online conferences, so do not miss this event. And feel free to write to us and our Team of Senior Magento 2 Developers and our experts will help you and answer all your questions.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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