5 Best Magento Social Media Extensions

Oct 20, 2021 0

Today social networks occupy a huge part of our life, and it is difficult to find a person who will not have a Facebook or Twitter account. And this is not surprising because social networks are not only a convenient way of communication but also a limitless source of content, news, and so on. Thanks to this, more than 4.5 billion people use social media.

However, how can you use this knowledge to benefit your eCommerce business? How can you combine Magento shop and popular social networks? Our answer is to use Magento 2 social network extensions. After all, with their help, you can add various functions related to popular social networks to your store, which will greatly improve the user experience and allow you to get a new audience at your disposal.

Today we will analyze the five most popular social media extensions, list the strengths of each solution, and also, using the example of one extension, consider the possibilities of their implementation in your Magento store. By the end of the article, you will have a perfect understanding of what it is and what benefits these extensions can bring to your business. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Top 5 Social Media Extensions for Magento

Before we start listing the most popular solutions for implementing social media features into Magento stores. In total, there are several types of extensions that add different functionality related to social networks:

  1. Social login features. The name speaks for itself. Such extensions help add additional ways to log into a personal account on your website using Facebook, Twitter, and so on.
  2. Social share features. These buttons are quite handy as they allow users to share your products and information about them with their friends on social networks.
  3. Comments features. These extensions allow users to leave reviews and comments about products using their social media accounts, or you can display social media reviews on your store page.
  4. Social marketing features. Pretty useful extensions to upgrade your marketing company. For example, some of them may provide users with discounts in exchange for reposting a product from your store on their social media page.
  5. Social stores. If one Magento store is not enough for you, you can transfer your products to websites supported by popular social networks.

However, why use these Magento social media integrations? The answer lies on the surface – users do not like to create new accounts and prefer to use ready-made ones. In addition, more than 90% of millennials use social media to log into various mobile apps and websites. Losing such a huge audience will negatively affect the success of your business. That is why we decided to collect the top five best social media extensions that will help you implement various useful social features.

Note: Keep in mind that places in this top do not mean that one extension is better than the other. All solutions are a great way to upgrade your Magento store towards social media friendliness. We have only collected the five most worthy ones in our humble opinion.

Extension #1. Social Login By Amasty

Price: $179

Where to buy: amasty.com

The first Magento 2 social media extension on our list is a fairly popular solution for introducing login through social networks from the well-known company Amasty, specializing in developing various extensions specifically for the Magento platform. This tool allows you to implement a seamless login to your store’s personal account through social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, Amazon, PayPal, and Twitch. Such a wide range of platforms can negatively affect the amount of spam, but Amasty took care of this by introducing the reCaptcha module into its extension.

In addition, this Magento 2 social integration has convenient and flexible functionality for customizing the appearance of the social login button. And the cherry on top is a full-fledged built-in analytics functionality that will allow you to keep an accurate record of the number of logins as well as purchases made by users. This is a great addition to help you optimize your business.

Extension #2. Social Share By Mageplaza

Price: Free

Where to buy: mageplaza.com

If you want to implement social share functionality in your Magento store, then the extension of the same name from Mageplaza is perfect for you. This company also specializes in developing advanced extensions for the Magento platform. In this Magento social media extension, they tried to implement all the necessary functionality that will be a great addition to your store.

The extension has a nice set of functions designed to promote your brand on social networks through the reposts of your store’s customers. For example, in addition to Share buttons, this social media extension for Magento 2 also has convenient settings for the display format of these buttons, which allows you to tailor their display to your design. In addition, you can enable the Thank-you popup, which will be displayed after the user shares the post on their social page. And all this functionality is mobile-friendly and completely free.

Extension #3. Social Comments With Facebook Comments by Magearray

Price: $69

Where to buy: magearray.com

Since Facebook is the most used social network in the world, we decided to find the perfect Magento social integration service to help you display positive Facebook ratings and reviews of your business on your Magento website. And such an extension was developed by the Magearray company.

The flexible functionality of the extension will allow you to display reviews about your business on your website, which is great for increasing customer confidence in your brand. Your store administrator configures the display of reviews, and you can easily set the number of displayed reviews. In addition, you will have a separate page with all the reviews and ratings for your business.

Note: In order to work with this extension, you must have a Facebook business page.

Extension #4. Social Marketing With SocialRebate

Price: Free and two additional paid plans ($39.99 and $99.99 per month)

Where to buy: socialrebate.com

Many entrepreneurs dream that their products advertise themselves or that customers take an active part in advertising the brand and products. Now those dreams are coming true with Social Rebate and its eponymous Magento 2 social media integration tool. The main idea of ​​this tool is that the user receives a certain reward in exchange for advertising the product on his social page.

During the final checkout, the user is given the opportunity to share a post on social networks with a store review. As a reward for this, the user receives a certain percentage of cash back from the purchase. In this way, you drive sales and improve brand awareness through real people’s feedback on social media.

The platform offers three different service packages, the main difference being the fees for claimed promotions. The more expensive the package, the lower the percentage charged by the vendor.

Extension #5. Social Stores with Facebook Pixel Extension

Price: Free

Where to buy: magefan.com

If your strategy for eCommerce success involves working on two fronts, you simply need to seamlessly integrate your products into multiple stores. Facebook Pixel is a great solution that will allow you to add products from your Magento store to your Facebook store without any effort or technical savvy requirements. In addition, this Magento social network integration has the synchronization of Magento product categories with Facebook collections.

What is an online store without ads, right? The Facebook Pixel also aims to better analyze the effectiveness of ad integrations and your customers’ actions on the website. This allows you to more clearly understand the funnel and respond to changes with the right business decisions.

How to Integrate Magento Social Media Extension to Your Store

So, we have considered five of the most popular solutions on the market for social media extension for Magento 2. Now it’s time to delve into implementing such extensions a bit, and we will consider this process using the example of the already mentioned Facebook Pixel Extension. To be more precise, we will tell you how to integrate Magento 2 Facebook Shop store.

In order to do everything without mistakes, you must follow a few fairly simple steps:

  1. First, go to the admin panel and select the Stores section. After that, go to Configuration, then click Facebook and select the Business Extension section.
  2. Next, click on the Push Products to Facebook button, which is needed to add all your products from the Magento store to the Facebook store catalog.
  3. The next step will be the neat transfer of all categories of your products from the Magento store. A separate feature called Pull All Categories to Facebook Catalog will help you with this.
  4. The next step is to enable the synchronization of your products and categories with Facebook collections. Just click Enable Collections Sync, and all the functionality required for proper synchronization will be enabled.
  5. The last step will be setting up how products are displayed in out of stock. In the Out-of-Stock Threshold field, you can specify a certain amount of goods that will be considered when displaying the out of stock status. If the number of items in stock is below the specified number, the item will automatically be displayed as out of stock.

After you complete all these steps to integrate social media Magento 2 extension, all your products from the Magento store will be synced with Magento 2 Facebook. This applies to absolutely all goods: ordinary, promotional, out of stock, and so on. In addition, when you add new products to the Magento store, they will automatically appear on your Facebook store.

In order to check the synchronized products and control their display, click on the Facebook Commerce Manager. All synchronized products will be displayed in this menu, and you have full control over their display on your storefront.,

However, you should keep in mind that any changes will take some time. For example, if you add a new product and want it to appear in the storefront, you must wait while Facebook approves your product.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in integrating social media functionality into your Magento store using ready-made extensions. This is the easiest way to get a competitive edge and take advantage of the popularity of social networks.

However, if you need more complex functionality and an individual approach to the implementation of your ideas, you can’t cope without connecting with a professional vendor who provides qualified Magento development services, such as Sam-Ecommerce.

We have many years of experience in providing professional Magento extension integration services for eCommerce businesses from various industries that want to get at their disposal unique technical solutions to boost their business.

Together with our advanced technical expertise, you will receive the following benefits:

A team of highly qualified specialists. All developers have many years of experience with the Magento platform.

  • Individual approach. Each business is unique and requires a special approach to the implementation of technical ideas.
  • Over-the-top quality. Our custom technical products that we create for you have superior performance and are 100% bug-free.

If you want the best technical business solutions, you should stick to the best Magento development company. Therefore drop us a line and our representative will contact you to discuss your idea and further cooperation.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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