Top 5 Best Extensions for your Magento 2 Store

Jan 09, 2021 0
Top Magento extensions

Sets of extensions and add-ons have long been the basis for many platforms. Starting from ordinary Internet browsers and ending with large e-commerce systems. And this is not surprising. You just need to download an extension. And you will immediately have access to new functionality or change in the interface or algorithm of work. And that greatly facilitates your workflow. Magento was no exception. Every year for this platform there are hundreds of extensions. There are ones official from Magento developers, and also extensions created by the community. We have selected top extensions for Magento 2 store that you will find useful in your business.

Top Extensions for Magento 2 store

1. Best Seller Expansion

Increasing conversion is one of the main tasks for developing your business and this expansion will help you with this. The main objective of this extension is that it can notify your customers about the most frequently purchased products in your online store. It can be used as a regular widget that you can place anywhere on your site and the user can scroll or as a large banner on the main page.

2. Counter of the most viewed and sold products.

In pursuit of the previous extension, we recommend that you install this add-on. To clearly show the results of sales to your customers and convince them that the best-selling items are not taken from your head, you can confirm your success with the help of numbers. Users will be able to accurately see the statistics of views and purchases of your products, which in practice will strengthen their confidence in the product and they will be able to buy it without any doubt.

3. Shipping Suite Ultimate

Ensuring a clear and uninterrupted delivery process in online commerce is a rather complicated process and some sellers may be confused by the number of nuances that need to be considered when organizing this process. To facilitate delivery, we recommend this extension with many useful features. You can easily control various delivery rates, transfer various data, and combine this information with several stores, which simplifies the creation of logistics that works like a clock.

4. M2 Fire Checkout

Any user of online stores wants to make purchases quickly and without unnecessary complications of this process. The stage of the final order confirmation is a very important part of the process. And if it’s complicated and confusing, the buyer can simply leave you without buying anything. And that means that he gives his money to another seller who is more convenient to make purchases from. This extension simplifies the process of confirming the order as much as possible while also providing some additional functions, for example, the choice of the date and time of delivery, which is convenient for the client. You can choose between several types of order confirmation and choose the one that you think is most suitable for your store.

5. Social Login Pro

Extending the reach and convenience of your store is very important. This extension is a fairly large module and at the same time valuable to increase your conversion. The essence of the expansion is to cover many social networks. Through them, your customers will be able to enter the system of your store. Log in through social networks without creating separate accounts every year is becoming more popular. This happens due to its speed and convenience. And so that you do not miss your chance to make the store even more friendly for your customers, this extension is a real must-have for any seller on Magento.

We gave top extensions for Magento 2 store, most useful in our opinion. And also there a lot of usefulness remained behind the scenes. There are also various extensions that simplify the import and export of product information to different stores. As well as various SEO optimizers, and add-ons for working with product comments and reviews, and their convenient import. All these are also very useful extensions that are rightfully considered mandatory for the successful development of your online store. We hope that our advice helped you and greatly simplified some aspects of your work also. In the meantime, that’s all for now. Stay safe and write to us and our Team of Magento 2 Developers. They will advise you on all your questions.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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