Adobe Summit 2021: Magento News Review

May 03, 2021 0
Adobe summit 2021 main

Adobe Summit 2021, as always, was at the highest level and brought us a lot of news and innovations. This year, the exhibition was also available to watch online. Participants could attend many online conferences, presentations, and conversations with speakers and industry leaders for free.

Innovation and great news did not pass by the Magento platform. Today we will talk about the main announcements of the Adobe Summit 2021 that concerned Magento Commerce, which is now Adobe Commerce. Without further ado, let’s start.

AI-Fueled Live Search

Online shopping is always a process of finding and selecting the perfect product that meets the requirements and needs. The faster and successfully a store helps a buyer find a relevant product, the higher its reputation and performance indicators. Adobe Commerce helps stores improve their product search experience by integrating AI search powered by Adobe Sensei. Adobe Sensei is a special AI and machine learning technology that powers many Adobe products. And is now available on the Magento platform.

The improved search function itself is called Live Search, which offers users smarter search results that are based on search queries and, thanks to machine learning, become smarter and provide a more personalized experience for each buyer. In addition, Live Search has excellent analytics tools. You can request a report on the most requested products and much more, which will help in promoting certain products.

According to representatives of Adobe Commerce, the Live Search function will become generally available to all entrepreneurs in the second half of 2021.

Enhanced Product Recommendations

Fueled by Adobe Sensei, product recommendations have already proven their worth. More than 300 Magento stores have seen a dramatic increase in personalization. At the Adobe Summit, Magento representatives announced changes and improvements to this feature. That will significantly expand the functionality and flexibility of product recommendations.

Now entrepreneurs will have access to wide settings. For example, sellers will be able to attach various rules related to prices, types of buyers, product variants, and much more to recommendations. Intentions of these changes to greatly simplify and smooth the trading process for B2B brands. For example, your brand might partner with different customers from the same enterprise. And both of these regular customers may be responsible for purchasing certain categories of goods. Thanks to improved recommendations and established recommendation rules, only relevant products these customers will see.

These and other changes related to recommendations will become available in the second quarter of 2021 for all merchants working with the Magento platform.

Adobe summit 2021

Adobe Sign Is Now Available in Adobe Commerce

Ecommerce, whether B2B or B2C, is always associated with signatures of certain documents or actions. Previously, you had to wait for the sent papers to manually sign and send the papers back. All this took a huge amount of time. Now, in the digital age and with the advent of electronic signatures, most transactions are made online using electronic signatures. Adobe Sign is another product from Adobe that helps you organize a fast and straightforward process of closing deals and signing documents.

At the Adobe Summit, Magento representatives were proud to announce the official introduction of Adobe Sign into the Magento system. Now sellers will be able to provide a convenient process for signing various documents that are part of the purchase, whether they are warranty agreements, service agreements, terms & conditions documents, and much more. Setting up Adobe Sign will take place in a convenient Adobe Commerce Admin interface. And that will allow you to customize all the features and appearance.

In the second half of 2021, Adobe Sign will become officially available to all merchants as an extension for Magento stores.

Wayflyer and Adobe Commerce Collaboration

Finding capital to expand a business is always a challenge for many entrepreneurs. This problem became especially acute with the arrival of the pandemic, and many businesses had to postpone their long-awaited expansion indefinitely.

Adobe Commerce is committed to addressing this issue by starting a collaboration with Wayflyer. Wayflyer is a revenue-based financing platform that helps e-commerce brands raise capital to improve business processes. This financing option will allow sellers to access various working capital loans to upgrade their businesses and workflows.

Wrapping Up

And these are all the new Adobe Commerce innovations at the Adobe Summit 2021. For many, these improvements were long-awaited, and we are sure that they will bring a lot of benefits to Magento stores. And that’s all for now. Still, if you have Magento-related questions or want to establish your own Magento store from the ground, drop us a line, and our representatives will contact you as soon as possible to provide professional consultation.

Business Development Manager at SaM Solutions

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